Sonora is here!

Hi, Knitters,
We are thrilled to announce the release of Barrett Wool Co.'s newest shawl pattern, Sonora, designed by the one and only Kirsten Kapur of Through the Loops. This happily coincides with our Home Yarn Collection being back and fully stocked!
I want to tell you a little backstory to start off. I contacted Kirsten Kapur quite a few months ago. I had recently finished a project for Kirsten's first book called, Drop Dead Easy Knits. You can see all of the projects for this fantastic book right here. I have been a big fan of Kirsten's inspiring work for years, especially her gorgeous shawl designs. When she and her fellow authors, Gale Zucker, and Mary Lou Eagen, invited me to design for their book project I was really honored. All three of the authors were wonderful to work with on the project.
Click here to see all of Kirsten's designs on Ravelry!
One of Barrett Wool Co.'s goals is to slowly invite other designers into the fold to work with us. I was so excited when I talked to Kirsten about designing a shawl for BWC and she said yes! Her shawls are not only fun to knit, but they are beautifully executed and always thoughtfully designed. She is such a huge talent in the knitting industry.
Kirsten selected two colors of our Home Fingering Weight, Bluff and Morning Sky, with the thought that these would be perfect "any season" colors, but would be especially good for spring. I agree! I waited with great anticipation to see what Kirsten would come up with for her BWC shawl design.
I wasn't disappointed, to say the least!
Meet Sonora!
The Grand Canyon was the perfect backdrop for photographing Sonora, both are exciting, calming, and extraordinary in beauty. With bold slip-stitch bands of diamonds running across the long, drapey asymmetrical triangle-shaped shawl and paired with simple garter stitch blocks, the Sonora shawl is nothing short of stunning. I love everything about this cozy, oversized shawl, the drape, the textures, the simple lace border, the two-color contrast, the practicality of it... everything! Kirsten smoothly excels at walking that fine line of just the right amount complexity, which keeps interest high as you work, combined with a bold dose of simplicity, which is what every knitter seeks. She succeeds on all levels with Sonora.
See those bands of diamonds? Those look complicated, but you are only using one color at a time. The slip stitches give it the appearance of a more complicated colorwork stitch pattern. I love that kind of trickery.
Sadly, I have to return Kirsten's shawl sample that you see here but I literally am compelled to knit a Sonora for myself this summer. It is a must-have wardrobe item for me and hopefully for you, too. You will love knitting and wearing Sonora. I promise.
To help you make color selections for your Sonora in our Home Fingering Weight, I have paired up some lovely combinations (eleven to be exact) from which to choose. You need three skeins for Sonora, two skeins of one color, and one skein of a contrasting color. Any of the pairings below could be reversed, as well.
Bluff and Morning Sky (Kirsten's choices for the sample.)
I hope this helps a little when making your choice. Let us know if you need any further assistance with anything. The pattern for Sonora is available for purchase here on our website or on Ravelry if you prefer to purchase over there.
Click here to see more or to purchase the pattern for Sonora on Ravelry!
Click here to see more or to purchase the pattern for Sonora on Barrett Wool Co.!
We are having a special offer for FREE SHIPPING on all U.S. purchases of three or more skeins of any of our yarns starting today, April 28th, 2017 and running through the end of the day (CST) on Sunday, April 30th, 2017. Take advantage, especially for your Sonora Shawls.
Let me know if you are interested in a Knitalong for Sonora. I am considering starting one while I knit my own Sonora. I'd love to have some company.
xo ~ susan